‘By our breathing we are attuned to our atmosphere. If we inhibit our breathing we isolate ourselves from the medium in which we exist. ‘’
Breathing is the very first thing we do to be alive; it is the basic need of our existence, which we often forget to take care of. ‘Just Breathe’ is a 10 minute awareness experience of moving fragments and sound. The shots and the sounds are made to take the viewer into different breathing rhythms, to give more awareness of their own breath after those 10 minutes. In the busy time we are living in now, 90% of the people only use 30% of their breathing capacity. Because of constant stress, we breathe very shallow, which has bad consequences for our body and mind. To become conscious of the breath is the first step towards a healthy breathing rhythm, to in that way reconnect more with the own body.
Just Breathe was on show at the exhibition 'Hope' curated by Ilse Crawford and Oscar Peña ‘’Hope is a state of action. Small changes can make big differences.’’ An optimistic message that is at the heart of the group exhibition HOPE, at @kazerneehv in Eindhoven.